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Cyber Security

Cyber Protection is crucial in todays innovative world where data is of upmost importance.

Protect your assets against online cyber threats, and from being misused or held ransom.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the protection of any systems, networks or programs from digital attacks. It prevents your system and devices from becoming compromised, protecting the end-user (you) from unwanted software/spyware.

Cyber hacking techniques are used to steal information from your device without your knowledge. It can even alter, delete and destroy personal or sensitive data.

A reliable and strong cyber security system ensures malicious attacks like that won't occur to harm you or your company.

Why do you need it?

Our world is constantly involving and designing new software. Having the correct protective measures set in place are a crucial necessity to you or your company's safety.

Cyber security threats takes shape in many different ways, Including but not limited to the following:

  • Intercepted Personal calls, messages and emails.
  • Inside threats leaking sensitive information or data (Something as simple as a link you opened). 
  • Hackers encrypting you computer or files (Locking them with a password), then reaching out to you demanding a set fee to decrypt them.

These attacks are happening more often than you might think, which is why our Rogue Nation Team prioritizes user and customer safety.

Increase your Cyber Protection

Below is a List of Steps you can take to increase your Cyber Protection level, and general safety guidelines
Making Use of a VPN:

VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network" and uses specific protocols to encrypt any and all online data, as well as masking your I.P. address on your devices. It hides who you are, so your Internet Service Provider (ISP), 3rd parties and websites can't trace or access your data or online identity.

A VPN does this by encrypting your online data and cookies in real-time. It even allows you to change in which country you appear to be in, so you can bypass regional blocks and firewalls on the internet. Access to region blocked content becomes accessible to you, for example Netflix movies.

A bonus fun fact, some websites and online stores also displays prices on products depending on location. You might be capable of getting better prices on products and services by simply changing your location by using a VPN.

Using Free Public Access Points and WIFI:

Everyone loves free WIFI! Who wouldn't? Enjoying free WIFI, while working sitting at a coffee shop with your laptop, and eating your favorite muffin. Well, you know who else loves free WIFI? Cyber Attackers aka "Hackers".

Cyber Attackers can use open or public WIFI networks to breach open ports of your devices. Public WIFI hotspots & Internet does not always need authentication (Meaning no Login Password), thus anyone can connect whenever they want as long as they are within range. Using them can create backdoors practically making you an open book to them (Hackers).

They use specialized tools to find personal information you've typed into websites, emails, or even apps. Redirect you to websites run by them, stealing more information without you even being aware of the dangers. Also known as man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM).

But, hey. Free Public WIFI, right? One thing I have learned from life is that everything comes at a cost, especially when it says "FREE" on the cover.

Installing Good Antivirus Software:

An Antivirus is a software that scans your device for any signs of virus activity and vulnerabilities using a unique set of codes.

Viruses can cause severe damage and loss of data, which is why an anti-virus is essential. It not only removes viruses but also defends against other types of malicious software like Trojans, ransomware, and spyware.

Contrary to popular belief, an anti-virus protects your device from many types of threats including Online.

Encrypted Data & Off-Site Backups:

Unencrypted data, or plaintext, is easily accessible to hackers, and can expose personal or sensitive information to them. (Unencrypted files are the default state most Computers or Laptops gets sold in.) Thus, the odds of your data being encrypted if you did not actively do so yourself is highly unlikely.

Encrypted data, or ciphertext, uses math and coding to make your data gibberish to any 3rd party users trying to access it. Basically scrambling any attempts to steal data and information from you, protecting your privacy. Make your data encrypted! Its worth the trouble.

Creating Off-Site backups is a must if you want to ensure you have the upper hand when your data is held for ransom by hackers. Especially when this is combine with Encrypted Data.

Imagine a "hacker" reaching out to you to let you know he has locked you out of you data and will only make it available to you again once you have paid them their set fee, while knowing you have a secure backup of all your files. And that he cannot access the data he has in his possession anyways. (Poor Guy wont get paid..)

Creating Strong and Unique Passwords:

Everyone wants an easy-to-remember password, because that way you don't have to write it down somewhere safe. However, the strength of your password determines how easily your information can be cracked and used by third parties.

Without a strong password, Cyber Attackers can destroy, corrupt, delete, or access all your sensitive information. So just write down a strong password, then memorize it, and finally make sure it's unpredictable and strong.

Refrain from Device sharing:

Sharing devices or lending them out is a major privacy risk because it increases your risk of malware and virus infections, the loss of data, or even account theft.

Personal photos, messages, passwords, and any other sensitive information could get leaked and misused against you. Where you might mean well, not everyone else will. Protect yourself, and make sure you trust and know the person you share your device with.

Social Engineering Tactics:

We have all heard of someone who got scammed and thought; "I would never fall for that." It seems ridiculous to think you could fall for a scam, right?

Well, what if I tell you some hackers are really good? No, really. Like so good they fool you into thinking they are someone you know. They can pose like they are that online shop you visit so much, sending you a gift voucher or coupon code, you should just type in your email and password to activate it on your account. Sending alerts through any cracks in your security, making it seem like well-meaning IT technicians warning you of dangerous malware found on your device, and to download X, Y, or Z to remove it.

Social Engineering uses Tactics to scare or manipulate you into offering information you wouldn't share with anyone. Coaxing you into giving your passwords, banking details, and more without you ever detecting the danger. Well, at least not until it's too late.

Stranger danger is a real thing people, and you would be surprised how many people end up being hacked through social engineering.

Threat Management

In an ever growing online world, new threats arise on a daily basis with each potentially being more harmful and dangerous that its predecessors.

It is important to always be prepared for the worst case scenario, especially when it comes to your data. While increasing your Cyber Protection is extremely important, it does not mean you are untouchable. Planning for such a scenario is just as if not more important than the Protection itself. Thus bringing us to the next Important Topic "Encrypted Data Backups", and "Cloud Storage Solutions".

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